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BIVDA welcomes publication of Accelerated Access Collaborative’s Our Year in Focus Report

04 Feb, 2021 | Return|

Please see below a press release from BIVDA on the publication of the Accelerated Access Collaborative’s Our Year in Focus Report.





BIVDA welcomes publication of Accelerated Access Collaborative’s Our Year in Focus Report


The impact that new innovations has had on the NHS is set out in the Accelerated Access Collaborative’s (AAC) report, Our Year in Focus 2019/20 which BIVDA has welcomed today. The report reveals how over 700,000 patients were provided with access to proven innovations supported by the AAC, resulting in estimated patient benefits of over 12,000 fewer hospital admissions and 125,000 fewer days spent in hospital. Across the AAC programmes this work has saved the NHS over £50million.


The AAC, hosted by NHS England and NHS Improvement, sets the strategy for the entire health innovation ecosystem. It is a partnership between patient groups, government bodies, industry and NHS bodies, working together to streamline the adoption of new innovations in healthcare.  In its first year of operation with its expanded remit, AAC programmes attracted over £450million of investment and created or safeguarded over 1,500 jobs. BIVDA is pleased to be part of the collaborative, and has worked closely with partners throughout the pandemic.


In addition, the AAC’s central role facilitating stakeholder collaborations, underpinned by horizon-scanning intelligence, meant early in the pandemic it was able to work with partners to rapidly progress the UK’s world leading COVID-19 research into COVID therapeutics. This work helped contribute to the introduction of three lifesaving COVID-19 treatments becoming available to NHS patients in record time and a further two have since followed suit.


Commenting on the report, BIVDA Chief Executive Doris-Ann Williams said:


“As members of the AAC we are delighted with the publication of the Our Year in Focus Report, which highlights how more than 700,000 patients have been given access to proven health and care innovations in 2019/20 and saved the NHS more than £50 million pounds through the work of the Collaborative. During a difficult year, excellent work has been done to ensure that innovation continues to be recognised in the health service, and value for money is being achieved. Adoption of diagnostics innovation equitably across the NHS remains difficult yet is critical to

the success of the diagnostics industry in the UK, so the work of the ACC is invaluable in promoting rapid uptake and awareness.”


The AAC is committed to getting more proven innovations to patients and clinicians faster and making the NHS a great place to innovate for the benefit of patients and the public. You can read the report here. You can also watch a short video from Richard Hames, BIVDA Executive Board member, talking about our work with the ACC here.






Key messages in the report

For more information please contact BIVDA External Affairs Manager Jon Harrison



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