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Over one million people involved in COVID-19 research

16 Mar, 2021 | Return|

More than a million UK people have now been involved in research activities regarding COVID-19, according to the latest data from the National Institute for Health Research. The data shows that a total of 1,075,000 people have taken part in more than 180 studies which endeavour to reveal more and more about the virus. Of these research efforts, more than 100 were funded by the NIHR, equating for more than £108m of funding for COVID-19 research.

The large number of research programme participants include workers and members of the public from various arenas. NHS workers such as doctors and nurses, NIHR staff, policy makers, regulators and life science company employees all contributed their time and focus to enabling the UK to be a world leader in COVID-19 research. Through their efforts, new treatments have been tested, vaccine candidates trialled and the overall understanding of the virus broadened. These discoveries have significantly improved outcomes for people who do get the virus, particularly those most at risk of severe illness and hospitalisation.

Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England and co-Lead for the NIHR commented: “Reaching one million participants in Covid-19 research shows the impressive selflessness of people across the UK who have volunteered to take part. This research has led to vaccines, better treatments and improved care.” NHS Chief Executive Simon Stevens also praised the volunteering of research participants: “It is amazing to consider that more than one million people in this country who have selflessly volunteered to participate in our research will themselves help save over a million lives worldwide."

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