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BIVDA Position Paper Update

05 Mar, 2021 | Return|

*Note all documents mentioned in this piece are attached to this page for download.*


This week we held our regular Covid-19 Task Force meeting where the first draft of our Strategic papers for publication “Emerging from the Pandemic” was discussed. External contributors so far are Chris Molloy, Alessandro Carabelli from COG UK and Dr Sharon Peacock. A drafting meeting to add and develop will be held on Tuesday 9th March at 15.00. Please register via EventBrite if you would like to contribute to this or email me your comments in advance. This will be held in a round table format and numbers are limited.


Similarly, as we are moving at pace we also presented the second of the papers; working title “The Digital Revolution” at the Digital working party. This was our first meeting co-chaired by Phil Groom from Bond Digital Health and Neil Polwart from BBI Solutions. Feedback on this paper is due back to me  by Monday March 15th and another roundtable drafting meeting will be held shortly afterwards, please look out for the registration details next week.


I have been in further discussions in regard to the Credentialing (the LSI Register). BIVDA has supported and endorsed the LSI Register as the industry backed register for some time, but this is now formally under review whilst we assess he value to members and the activity that needs to be undertaken to ensure that the Register itself is fit for purpose and evaluate some of the issues that members are facing. This is a large scale review and your feedback is welcome, please contact me with any issues your organisation may face at a customer site relating to credentialing and access for sales or service activity.


And finally, following on from the Genomics working party held last week, I am delighted to announce that Dr Philip Beer will Chair this working group with fellow member Robyn Meurant. Details relating to the Molecular Diagnostic Innovation Partnership are attached and we have exchanged information with the European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)  - as they have a very strong synergy with some of our members and the focus of our Genomics Working Party. We have many of the same objectives and BIVDA and EUCOPE intend to engage and collaborate where appropriate in the coming months.







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