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Uk shares COP26 environmental ambitions

18 May, 2021 | Return|

The United Kingdom has shared some objectives for the COP26 event in November with Central American countries in a regional event. The British Ambassador in Guatemala, Nick Whittingham, led discussion from the UK side at the virtual opening of the French – Central American talks on climate change, organized by the Government of France, the Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the countries of the System of Central American Integration (SICA).

The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 1 – 12 November 2021. The summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Countries are being asked to come forward with ambitious 2030 emissions reductions targets that align with reaching net zero by the middle of the century. Financial mobilisation will also be key among countries to make these environmental changes feasible. International financial institutions must play their part and we need work towards unleashing the trillions in private and public sector finance required to secure global net zero.

“We were pleased to see so many SICA member Heads of State speak at the Climate Ambition Summit, and to see the rising climate ambition across the region”, said Ambassador Whittingham. COVID-19 was cited as a key concern across the world and in the SICA region. Yet, in terms of COP26, the pandemic provides an “unprecedented opportunity to reboot global economies in a manner that builds more sustainable, inclusive and resilient societies.” The UK’s COP26 Presidency will be focussed on ensuring those on the front line of climate change’s impact are prioritised, listened to and have their concerns met.

BIVDA is launching its new Environmental Working Party to examine how the IVD sector can contribute to the green goals of COP26 with the increasing focus on medical waste and the efforts of the NHS - if you would like to get involved, email helen on 

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