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Diagnosis; critical, but not terminal – BIVDA responds to Darzi Review

12 Sep, 2024 | Return|

The diagnostic industry is ready to support the NHS to resolve the issues identified in the Darzi Review.


The Review makes stark reading; the Prime Minister assesses it as “reform or die”. Poor policy, austerity, and the pandemic have crippled the NHS. Systemic and structural pressures throughout the NHS have normalised appalling service.


The three key themes are a move from cure to prevention; moving care from hospitals to communities; and moving from analogue to digital.


BIVDA’s Chief Executive Helen Dent said “The Darzi Review is a once in a lifetime opportunity to reform the NHS. Its conclusions are bleak, but not surprising to our sector – BIVDA's 2024 strategy is centred on delivering these reforms. We work closely with Lord Darzi, particularly supporting his ambitions in AMR and praise this honest, hard-hitting review which was delivered at incredible pace. The extent of responses to his consultation demonstrates the willingness and ability of the healthcare sector to facilitate change.


"The diagnostics industry is agile, responsive, and keen to work with government. But to deliver rapid, effective solutions barriers to access must be removed and the NHS must genuinely open up for innovation. By reforming managed service contracts, partnering more closely with industry, and establishing point of care hubs in primary care, immediate progress can be made – to save the NHS and improve patient’s lives.


"BIVDA and our members are ready for the journey ahead, and look forward to working with community, acute and social healthcare settings in the NHS to deliver.”


Head of Policy, Programmes, and Compliance Paul Fisher said “The next step after diagnosis is treatment – and that will be the ten-year NHS plan. In vitro diagnostics must be a key part of this plan. 


"A community-based testing model, where the test is closer to the patient than hospital, is immediately deliverable and currently being trialled in a BIVDA-supported pilot in the North-West of England. Better usage of diagnostics – from adoption to pathway – enables the most effective treatment.  Genomic testing, allowing personalised treatment, offers a solution to our unacceptably high cancer death rates.”


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