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UK's official accession to CPTPP hailed by BIVDA

29 Aug, 2024 | Return|

BIVDA welcomes the UK's official accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) by 15 December 2024.

CPTPP is a free trade area spanning five continents and encompassing almost 600 million people following the UK's accession. More than 99% of current UK goods exports to CPTPP members will be tariff-free, driving important economic growth.

On the announcement, BIVDA's Head of Policy, Programmes and Compliance Paul Fisher said, "The IVD market is increasingly global with the same product available in multiple regions. Australia, Singapore, and Japan have significant diagnostics industries so improved trading positions are to be welcomed.

"BIVDA advocate regularly to the UK government about the need to ensure the UK is an attractive launch or early market for IVD products, and hope this is a small but significant step forwards."

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